Athletes are constantly under pressure to perform. Coaches use many evaluation techniques to assess their performance on the field. One of the most popular is video. A typical coaching phrase is “The eye in the sky does not lie” when evaluating athlete performance. Athletics is the breeding ground for performance-based acceptance, and coaches and athletes must learn how to navigate their perceived approval based on the success and failures of each contest. There are two questions that I challenge every coach I encounter to consider. Why do YOU coach, and how do YOU define winning?
Your answer to these two questions will be the foundation of how YOU interact with your players and by which YOU will experience grace, rest, and peace in a performance-based industry. Most of us have grown up in a faith that teaches separation and condemnation. We refer to God as the man upstairs or envision Him up rather than IN, distance verse union and oneness, always ready to judge rather than approve! While the voices of this world scream with great enthusiasm, YOU are not good enough, trying to reinforce the mindset that YOU lack something.
So, here is what I would like for you to consider. What if we flipped the script and began to agree with whom Papa says we are IN Him? How would your life and coaching philosophy differ if YOU could live from the fullness that YOU already possess rather than trying to achieve something that YOU perceive that YOU lack? How about we put our trust in the one who created, chose, qualified, and equipped us to live an abundant life in this present moment?
As the apostle Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:18-19, I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that YOU will know what the hope of His calling is, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.
Let me remind YOU that Papa sees YOU and declares YOU Very Good! (Gen 1:31).
Now, go live, convinced of His love, goodness, affection, and pleasure He has for YOU!