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As a former quarterback and recently retired coach, I have experienced various coaching styles and techniques for quarterback growth and production. How does a coach produce growth in his players?

A few weeks ago, I listened to a close friend share a very familiar passage from John 15: 1-2. These two verses show the model Jesus used to increase growth, but I experienced a new revelation for the first time. I had been taught this passage from a perspective of fear and condemnation rather than love and growth. When Jesus said, every branch in me that does not bear fruit, He takes away (raises up); and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes (cleanse) it so that it may bear more fruit. When you look at these two statements in the original Greek language, it changes everything. In raising up the branch, it will receive more Son-light, and by cleansing the branch it will bear more fruit. This is Jesus’ model for maximizing growth.

Coaches, as YOU and I take the field daily, let us remind one another that failure is the beginning of growth and that with every snap, we have an opportunity to raise up and draw out the truth that produces fruit. This is why coaching is a high calling.

Is your program producing Fresh Fruit?

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